Abd Al Hakim (عبدالحاکم) Name Meaning in Urdu, Lucky Numbers, Lucky Days

نام عبدالحاکم
انگریزی نام Abd Al Hakim
معنی بڑی حکمت والے
جنس لڑکا
مذہب مسلم
لکی نمبر 3
موافق دن منگل, جمعرات
موافق رنگ سرخ, بنفشی
موافق پتھر روبی
موافق دھاتیں تانبا, لوہا

Personality of Abd Al Hakim

Few words can't explain the personality of a person. Abd Al Hakim is a name that signifies a person who is good inside out. Abd Al Hakim is a liberal and eccentric person. More over Abd Al Hakim is a curious personality about the things rooming around. Abd Al Hakim is an independent personality; she doesn’t have confidence on the people yet she completely knows about them. Abd Al Hakim takes times to get frank with the people because she is abashed. The people around Abd Al Hakim usually thinks that she is wise and innocent. Dressing, that is the thing, that makes Abd Al Hakim personality more adorable.

Way of Thinking of Abd Al Hakim

  1. Abd Al Hakim probably thinks that when were children our parents strictly teach us about some golden rules of life.
  2. One of these rules is to think before you speak because words will not come back.
  3. Abd Al Hakim thinks that We can forget the external injuries but we can’t forget the harsh wording of someone.
  4. Abd Al Hakim thinks that Words are quite enough to make someone happy and can hurt too.
  5. Abd Al Hakim don’t think like other persons. She thinks present is a perfect time to do anything.
  6. Abd Al Hakim is no more an emotional fool personality. Abd Al Hakim is a person of words. Abd Al Hakim always fulfills her/his wordings. Abd Al Hakim always concentrates on the decisions taken by mind not by heart. Because usually people listen their heart not their mind and take emotionally bad decisions.

Don’t Blindly Accept Things

Abd Al Hakim used to think about herself/himself. She doesn’t believe on the thing that if someone good to her/his she/he must do something good to them. If Abd Al Hakim don’t wish to do the things, she will not do it. She could step away from everyone just because Abd Al Hakim stands for the truth.

Keep Your Power

Abd Al Hakim knows how to make herself/himself best, she always controls her/his emotions. She makes other sad and always make people to just be in their limits. Abd Al Hakim knows everybody bad behavior could affect herhis life, so Abd Al Hakim makes people to stay far away from her/his life.

Don’t Act Impulsively

The people around Abd Al Hakim only knows what Abd Al Hakim allows them to know. Abd Al Hakim don’t create panic in difficult situation rather she thinks a lot about the situation and makes decision as the wise person do.

Elegant thoughts of Abd Al Hakim

Abd Al Hakim don’t judge people by their looks. Abd Al Hakim is a spiritual personality and believe what the people really are. Abd Al Hakim has some rules to stay with some people. Abd Al Hakim used to understand people but she doesn’t take interest in making fun of their emotions and feelings. Abd Al Hakim used to stay along and want to spend most of time with her/his family and reading books.

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